This video installation was part of the exhibition Shringiu Thro, hosted at Ladakh Arts and Media Organisation (LAMO), Leh.
Meant as a ‘keyhole’ view of Krishna’s everyday life in Kullu, where she lives with her artistic and life partner Stanzin Nyentak, this hindered gazing into the practice of sacred Thangka art, working as a body-mind impediment for the viewer, prompts reflections on the dynamics of entering the intimate space of the artist’s life. Guided by Krishna’s poetic notes, we encounter sporadic interactions and moments of silent practice.
On entering the space of installation, the audience is confronted with diffused sound, and a few ’narrow’ openings through which the video can be watched.The nature of the space, the positioning of openings compel a physical response in the audience of either bending or seeking a workable seated position. The idea here is to establish a continuity between the painter, sitting on the floor in front of the canvas, the person filming, and the viewer. These narrow openings become keyholes, emerging not just as an impediment, but also a reminder of the voyeuristic nature of the act of entering the artist’s intimate space.